Outer ribbon reef - A bunch of coral, and Look!  There's a fish!

I took a bunch of underwater pictures with my brother Mike's Nikonos.  I was using 800 speed film and a SWAG (silly wild ass guess) for exposure.  Mostly I got really over exposed pictures.  Bummer.  When shooting at Fitzroy Is., I used an exposure of 1/30th by ~5.6.  We were at around 30ft and the visbility was about 10ft.  Since I was shooting at such a (way too) slow shutter speed, most shots were blurry.  Seems I'd forgot some basic photo skills!  Also I wasn't using the view finder so many shots are framed pretty poorly.  Nothing like a great lost opportunity to drilll those skills back in!

These shots were from the outer ribbon reef at the Quicksilver pontoon. Here I shot at 1/125th, f8.  Ah.  Much better!

Pronghorn coral in the foreground, and I'll call it letuce coral just below that fish that was posing for me.

I was amazed in all the various shapes and colors of the coarl.  The top edges of the letuce coral seemed to almost glow the way the caught the light.